Frequently Asked Questions

  • +How can I register customers who visit my site to my mailing list?

    In order to register customers who visit your site to your mailing list; you can use the Embed Wizard to add a Registration form to your site.
    1. Easily design the form; set its preferred size and detail fields.
    2. Predefine to which list the new subscribers will be added to.
    3. As you finish designing the form; click “save”.
    4. the system will create an implementing code
    5. Copy the code and paste it on the designated page on your site to embed the form.

  • +How to convert a file to CSV

    • Open xls file
    • Go to “File”
    • Press “save as”
    • Go to “save as type”
    • Choose CSV (Comma delimited)
    • Press “Save”

  • +how to add a “reply” or RSVP button to the newsletter to make it easy for recipients to respond?

    adding a reply link to a newsletter:

    picture link”:

    1.      Upload a picture.

    2.      Move your cursor across the picture.

    3.      Click on Insert picture.

    4.      Choose the "mailto" type of link.

    5.      Type the email address you want the link to direct to.

    6.      Click ok and save.


    Text link:

    type the text you wish to serve as a link (you can write: "Reply" or "RSVP")
    Move your cursor across the text (to highlight it in blue)
    Choose the "mailto" type of link
    Type the email address you wish the link to direct to
    Click ok and save

    Clicking on the picture or the text would automatically direct the recipient to a reply mail box.

  • +how can I change the facebook App name & picture?

    Changing the facebook App name & picture

    1.     Go to the upper tool bar of your business facebook page and click Edit Page > update info.

    2.     On the Info page, go to the left tool bar and click on Apps.

    3.     On the Apps page; choose “join mailing” application and click Edit Settings.

    4.     A setting box will be opened with an option to “Custom Tab Name” and “Custom Tab Image”.


    To change the name
    - simply type in the desired name on the empty box to the left and then click “Save

    To change the image

    1.     Click change.

    2.     On the next page click Change again.

    3.     An “Upload Tab Image” box will be opened and enable you to browse for the new picture and upload it

  • +can I export the contact list to my computer?

    exporting a contact list:

    1.    On the left bar choose the list you would like to export (All Contacts or a specific list).

    2.    click on the Excel icon on top of the Page.

    3.    On the next page; click “Start Export”.

    4.    At the end of the exporting process click “Download File”.

    5.    A saving box will be opened to allow you to save the file on your desired location.

  • +how to create a Smartphone Campaign \ QR campaign?

    Go to Wizards > Smartphone Wizard on the upper tool bar.
    click on “Add QR
    On the “General” tab: define which list the new contacts will be directed to.
    On the “QR page” tab: write and design a landing page for the campaign.
    On the “tanks page” tab: write and design a thank you message for your new recipients or direct them to an external address.
    As you finish the process- click “save
    The system will create a QR code which will appear on the “QR data” tab.
    Save or Copy the code.

  • +why do newsletters bounce?

    when a newsletter doesn’t reach it’s destination it goes into the “bounce metrics” - a list of mail addresses with the reason of bouncing mentioned alongside:

    A “Hard bounce” is a mailing which didn’t reach the recipient due to a nonexistent or cancelled email address. These types of bounces usually justify further examination and refreshing of your contact information.

    A “Soft bounce” is a mailing which didn’t reach the recipient due to a temporary problem with the recipient’s inbox. (Such as server problems; a full mail box, etc.)

  • +can I manually add recipients to the unsubscribed list?

    Manually adding a recipient to the unsubscribed list:

    1.    Go to Contacts > Search Contacts on the upper tool bar.

    2.    Type one\some of the contact’s details and click “search”.

    3.    click on the edit icon ()

    4.    An “edit contact” tab will be opened.

    5.    Go to the “Manage Permissions” section at the bottom of this tab and turn “ON” the Unsubscribed button.

  • +I’ve removed a recipient from the mailing list but he doesn’t appear on the unsubscribed list.

    there are two ways to unsubscribe a recipient from the mailing list.

    1.    Unsubscribing from all the lists: this is the Default option. The recipient will stop receiving newsletters and will appear on the unsubscribed list.

    2.     Unsubscribing from one or several lists: The recipient will stop receiving newsletters attributed to these specific lists and in case he or she will remain registered to other lists – they will continue receiving newsletters attributed to these other lists.


    Please notice: if a recipient has requested to be removed from all the lists but was only removed from one or several specific lists – he or she will continue receiving newsletters attributed to these lists.

  • +How to upload a PDF file?

    Uploading a PDF file:

    1.    go to the paragraph’s editing tool bar and click on the PDF icon ()

    2.    A “Downloadable Files” box will be opened- click the Upload button to upload your PDF.

  • +how can I implement a Hyper-Link into the newsletter?

    implementing a Hyper-Link into a newsletter:

    1. go to the paragraph’s editing tool bar and click on the link icon

    2. A box will be opened; in which you will paste your desired link (on the URL line)


    * Another way to create a link is to use the “read more” built-in link which is a part of some of the content components.

  • +How do i change the facebook App picture

    1. go to the upper tool bar of  your business facebook page and click Edit Page > update info.
    2. On the Info page, go to the left tool bar and click on Apps.
    3. On the Apps page; choose “join mailing” application and click Edit Settings.
    4. a setting box will be opened with an option to “Custom Tab Image”.
      Click change. On the next page click change again. 
      An “Upload Page Tab Image” box will be opened and enable you to browse for the new picture and upload it.

  • +How do i relocate the facebook App

    1. Go to the App list on your business facebook page.
    2. Hover the mouse indicator above the App you wish to relocate.
    3. Click on the pencil icon (the Edit icon).
    4. a “Swap position with” box will be opened.
    5. click on the App you wish to swap position with

  • +I want to send several newsletters with a similar design. Can I save the letter as a template?

    the V.I.Plus system allows you to design newsletters by using our easy to use modular design templates. If you designed a pattern that you want to send again; after the first launch; you can simply duplicate it.

    1. Go to “campaigns” > “my campaigns” on the upper bar and choose the newsletter you wish to duplicate.
    2. Click “copy” on the bottom side of the letter.
    3. A duplication of the newsletter will be ready to be edit and sent.

  • +what is the difference between a hard bounce and a soft bounce?

    A “Hard bounce” is a mailing which didn’t reach the recipient due to a nonexistent or cancelled email address. These types of bounces usually justify further examination and refreshing of your contact information.

    A “Soft bounce” is a mailing which didn’t reach the recipient due to a temporary problem with the recipient’s inbox. (Such as server problems; a full mail box, etc.)

  • +how to create a Facebook Landing Page?

    The Facebook wizard enables adding a “join mailing” tab containing a Landing Page to your facebook businesses page.

    Step one – on facebook:
    1. Visit the V.I.Plus facebook page Or Visit the application page here
    2. Click “like”.
    3. Install the App > A “join mailing” tab will be added to your facebook page.

    Step two – on the V.I.Plus system :
    1. Go to “Wizards” > “Facebook Wizard”.
    2. Open the “Landing Page” tab and design the Landing page as you desire.
    3. Open the “Thanks” Page tab and design the page as you desire.
    4. open the General tab and Predefine to which list the new subscribers will be added to
    5. As you finish the process- click “save”
    6. The system will create a code.
    7. Copy the code and paste it into your “join mailing” tab.

  • +how can I import contacts from my Outlook account to my mailing list?

    1. Log in to your Outlook account and click “contacts” on the left tool bar.
    2. Go to “file” on the upper bar and choose “Import and Export”
    3. An “Export to a File” box will be opened – click “Next”
    4. Out of the saving option choose: Comma Separated Values (windows) and click “Next”  
    5. Choose the file you’d like to export: the “contacts” folder; and click “Next”.
    6. Click Browse and navigate to the location on which you’d like to save the file. Make sure you approve of the file name and click “OK”.
    7. Click “Next” and then “Finish”. The file will be saved at your chosen location in a format suitable for importing

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